Grievance Officer - Health on Plants
The quickest way to address your concern is by visiting the whatsapp icon on the right-hand side bottom of the home page. Dedicated person work to handle the issues notified to HoP using our online tools.
The role of the Grievance Officer under the Information Technology Act, 2000, as applicable in India, is to redress grievances of users or victims in India and not to receive legal process.
If you choose to contact the Grievance Officer with complaints or concerns, please do so via the following medium.
Below is the contact information for HoP’s Grievance Officer, published in accordance with the requirement under Indian law. Please note that this email is only used for the purpose of addressing questions about the grievance redressal mechanism process.
Vijay Pandey
Additionally, you can also contact HoP in India via post at:
Health on Plants Private Limited
Sy 92, TNR forms
Gidenahalli Village
Kalu Ballu Post
Jigani, Bangalore
Karnataka 560105, India